Kata Kunci:
Inisiatif Bank, Efikasi Diri Perbankan Seluler, Persepsi Risiko, Persepsi Penggunaan Penuh, Persepsi Kegunaan, Sikap Terhadap Penggunaan, Niat BerperilakuAbstrak
Behavior intention dalam penggunaan mobile banking menjadi sorotan utama saat ini, mengingat behavior intention menjadi kunci bagi keberhasilan adopsi teknologi mobile banking oleh penggunanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh Bank Initiative, Mobile Banking Self-efficacy, Perceived Risk, Perceived Usefulness, dan Attitude Toward Using terhadap Behavioral Intention dalam konteks penggunaan layanan mobile banking pada Bank swasta di Indonesia. Metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) digunakan untuk menganalisis data dari 180 responden. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi niat perilaku pengguna dalam mengadopsi layanan mobile banking. Hasil analisis SEM menunjukkan  menunjukkan Bank Initiative, Mobile banking self-efficacy berpengaruh positif terhadap Perceived Usefulness. Bank Initiative, Mobile banking self-efficacy berpengaruh positif terhadap Perceived ease of use. Perceived risk berpengaruh negatif terhadap Perceived Usefulness dan Perceived ease of use. Perceived Usefulness dan Perceived ease of use berpengaruh positif terhadap attitude towards usage. Attitude toward using berpengaruh positif terhadap behavior usage intention. Implikasi manajerial dari temuan ini bahwa Manajemen dapat fokus pada upaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pengguna terkait manfaat dan fitur-fitur unggulan dari mobile banking Bank swasta di Jakarta. Selain itu peneliti selanjutnya dapat melanjutkan serta mengembangkan pada layanan digital lainnya.
Behavioral intention in using mobile banking is currently in the main spotlight, considering that behavioral intention is the key to the successful adoption of mobile banking technology by its users. This research aims to investigate the influence of Bank Initiative, Mobile Banking Self-efficacy, Perceived Risk, Perceived Usefulness, and Attitude Toward Using on Behavioral Intention in the context of using mobile banking services at private banks in Indonesia. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method was used to analyze data from 180 respondents. The findings of this research provide an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence users' behavioral intentions in adopting mobile banking services. The results of SEM analysis show that Bank Initiative, Mobile banking self-efficacy has a positive effect on Perceived Usefulness. Bank Initiative, Mobile banking self-efficacy has a positive effect on perceived ease of use. Perceived risk has a negative effect on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived ease of use. Perceived Usefulness and Perceived ease of use have a positive effect on attitude towards usage. Attitude toward using has a positive effect on behavioral usage intention. The managerial implication of these findings is that management can focus on efforts to increase user awareness regarding the benefits and superior features of private bank mobile banking in Jakarta. Apart from that, future researchers can continue and develop other digital services.